My notes on these lectures. Feel free to share. Plz do inform me in case of any mistakes...

وَرَاوَدَتۡهُ الَّتِىۡ هُوَ فِىۡ بَيۡتِهَا عَنۡ نَّـفۡسِهٖ وَغَلَّقَتِ الۡاَبۡوَابَ وَقَالَتۡ هَيۡتَ لَـكَ‌ؕ قَالَ مَعَاذَ اللّٰهِ‌ اِنَّهٗ رَبِّىۡۤ اَحۡسَنَ مَثۡوَاىَ‌ؕ اِنَّهٗ لَا يُفۡلِحُ الظّٰلِمُوۡنَ ۞

And the one, in whose house he was, tried to seduce him and she locked all the doors. And she said, "I am ready for you" (or, "come to me"... Both are correct). He said, "(I seek) Allah's refuge, my master (could be both Allah and the minister) has been really good in taking care of my housing. Certainly those who do wrong never get what they want." 

When Allah gives you something good, He puts you to test to make it known how good that good actually is. So here comes the test in the very next ayah... 

Consider in the light of previous ayah that Yusuf AS is a young man blessed with wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, confidence, spiritual and moral excellence, and perfect beauty on top of that. So he obviously became a focus of gravitating attention, obviously with no intention for that whatsoever. 

The ayah depict 2 humans in its 2 parts. One is a married woman who wants to commit an evil act and the other is an unmarried young man who wants to avoid it...
Allah also wants to warn us that even married people can fall into the fitna of zina. And very importantly, that people who don't intend to be involved in zina may sometimes find themselves caught in situations with great temptation for it... 

Hence either marriage or trying to remain chaste do not guarantee that you would actually remain safe from this huge fitna if and when it comes... 

Finding someone attractive and moving on is okay but taking further steps to build a relationship, is not.

وَرَاوَدَتۡهُ الَّتِىۡ هُوَ فِىۡ بَيۡتِهَا
Indicates that the house was under her charge and management and she ran the show, instead of the minister himself, who probably is mostly not home.
It is interesting to note that Allah is not calling her the minister's wife here as if she does not deserve that label on this occasion. 

Importance of the relationship of Marriage:
The first relationship created by Allah on this earth was that of marriage. It comes even before parenthood. As if Allah decreed that the way humans will interact with each other, its foundation would be in the institution of marriage.

Marriage has 3 dimensions:

Marriage is an Agreement Between a Man and a Woman whereby they come together as a family, fulfill each other's rights and needs.... 

Allah has created us with certain physical natural needs. Allah told us in the Quran that He has created us in pairs (و خلقناکم ازواجا)... As if we are not meant to remain alone... Wholeness is in marriage.. 
Adam AS felt lone even in Jannah where he had everything else. That's why spouses are mentioned so many times in context of Jannah. 
One purpose of marriage, explained by Allah in quran is لتسکنوا الیہ... For peace and tranquility... Its mentioned as a purpose even before child bearing (my own thoughts: if reproduction was the only purpose, marriage was not even needed. It could be done like animals do. So marriage does have a higher purpose).

Another description about this relationship is in terms of clothing, which is very powerful, as clothing has many important purposes in the human context.. 
.. Clothing makes you dignified, so does marriage. Spouses honor each other. 
.. Clothing protects, marriage protects against anything that takes away peace... Its purpose... Spouses save each other from physical and emotional trauma. 
.. Clothing beautifies, spouses bring out and highlight the best in each other.
.. Clothing hides... So there are no secrets between spouses just like your skin is directly exposed to your clothes. Even blood relations cannot serve that purpose sometimes. 
.. Clothing gives warmth and comfort... Similarly spouses fulfill emotional needs of each other. 
.. Clothing gives you a value, so does spouses by becoming one and becoming each other's identity and defining each other. 

Another purpose is fulfilling the financial needs for which the husband has been made responsible to fulfill for both... ie support individuals other than himself through the institution of marriage..

Possessiveness is also a purpose. Husband can draw certain lines, the wife can't cross when it comes to other men. So can the wife. 

If these needs are not being met for a long time, including physical and emotional needs... Suppose you are having repeated arguments with your wife and today again you have a clash and you go to work or online in a bad mood. There you find people appreciating you.. Many women just conversing in a casual way (راود...!!!).. Nobody offers an opportunity for zina right away... And we find excuses to give that attention to others, that our spouse deserved... And we are very good at removing those blemishes from our own view in the mirror... و لو القا معاذیرۃ... 

Important thing is that this is when devil comes when our fundamental needs are not being met in our marital relationship.. 
He pulls you slowly into his trap (راود)... Makes minute advances look innocent... 
Remember ادخلوا فی السلم کافۃ ولا تتبعوا خطوات الشیطان... Here خطوات الشیطان means that satan convinces us that entering completely into the shelter of Allah is "too much" and like a distinction where a mere passing percentage would do.. So why not have just a little, tiny bit of fun... And its like a tiny crack in a dam... But that is all that is required...

2nd dimension is the social one... 
The society recognizes them now as a unit, as a family.. Which means that it's like a "hands off" sign for others. Everybody else should now back off. Nobody should be interested in her or him.. Its like a force field around them called marriage.. And this is a social status granted by Allah. He made a family, then many families made a community, then cities, then countries etc and Allah decreed the family to be the fundamental unit of human civilization... 
Hence many laws of society depend on this unit and the institution of marriage, like inheritance, children's identity and upbringing, dowry, divorce etc... And hence demolishing this unit through adultery is considered to be a crime against society and is therefore severely punished as are other crimes against society like steeling, murder and dacoits

3rd dimension is the sanctity of the bond of marriage by Allah Himself... 
میثاقا غلیظا
Marrying is an act of worship and Allah Himself is validating it.. 
So violating this sacred bond is not just a crime against one another (1st dimension) or the society (2nd dimension), its a crime against Allah... 
It is like 2 slaves of Allah coming together with His Blessing.. They may negotiate, compromise, take it to a judge or separate from one another temporarily or even permanently... but they can't violate its sanctity by indulging in whatever the Master has forbidden. 
Satan comes at the exact time when you think all your sincere efforts for reconciliation have failed and you think your spouse is not cooperating at all. He will whisper to you that s/he is not taking care of you, not listening to you, blaming you for everything... You know what, leave him/her to herself and you should start taking care of yourself, yourself... No, no, not zina, absolutely not, just talk to someone who listens, who cares, just vent it out... راود... 
Now the trust and transparency of the relationship suffers... Mobiles get extra passwords, laptop screens get hidden, questions get dodged.... Then its time to make a decision about separation... Before going down the road satan is showing.. Tell your spouse that the devil is pulling me and either I need your help or lets just go our separate ways as I don't want to destroy the sanctity of it... I don't want to disobey my Master by deceiving you... By listening to the devil... 

So by the example of minister's wife Allah is teaching us that if the marital relationship is so damaged that someone is willing to resort to zina, it's better to leave it. There is absolutely no excuse to indulge in haram even if your basic legal rights and needs are not being fulfilled.. Find another halal alternative.. 
This is exactly what devil did. He justified his reaction when his feelings got hurt and when he thought he was wronged. So he wants the same for you... Justify your wrongdoings.

A unique verb with no precedent in Arabic.
Suggests something that happens continuously (راودَ on the wazan/pattern of فاعلَ). That was not the first time. She had been making passes for quite some time with subtle suggestions probably.
Verbs on this pattern suggest presence of 2 parties, one of which is trying to overcome the other (eg, شاعرَ or مشاعرَ a poetry competition). And hence suggests a presence of "opposition". Meaning Yusuf AS is continuously trying to ward off her attempts.
When someone is trying to pull you towards something, راود is used but the effort is slow, gentle and subtle (رویدا in surah at-Tariq). Indicates that these subtle demands have been going on on her part and when they all failed, she came all out in frustration.
(Later سَنُراوِدُہ used by brethren of Yusuf when they plan to bring Benjamin with them while convincing Yaqub AS.)

So راود means to gently pull someone... But from what:
عَنۡ نَّـفۡسِهٖ
From himself... 
Its like saying, "I want to take his Innocence".. Meaning taking away some virtue, some quality from the owner. 

She tried to rob his true self from him for herself. There is something in him that makes him special and I want that for myself... 
Its not just sexual gratification that she wants. She wants to own his soul; his body, she already owns. 

Notice that Yaqoob AS had warned Yusuf AS about the devil's traps. One trap was through his brothers. This is another trap using this woman.

An imaginary profile of this lady would be like:
She is married and is probably not happy with her marriage. She is probably living her own life with little interaction with her husband. They are keeping it up for appearances and not love. She looks at all the qualities in Yusuf AS and is reminded that they are missing in her husband. Plus she notices that Yusuf AS gets attention of other ladies as well and is reminded that she is the actual "owner" of this "asset" that everyone admires and envies.
She probably can't think of divorce due to materialistic, political, family or social reasons.
But even if she was in a terrible situation, her act can't be justified as we have a parallel in quran about a woman of the most terrible husband possible, who was even abusive to her... Aasia, wife of firaun. If she could bear that with patience and only make Allah her ally, so could this wife of the minister.
Its not an acceptable alibi that she wanted her emotional needs met. And sanctity of marriage and loyalty in it is not particular to any religion. It is a human thing since forever.
So she wanted her financial, political, social needs met by her husband and emotional and sexual needs met by Yusuf AS, which is obviously a terrible, selfish and devilish approach. Plus she knew that she belongs to the elite and Yusuf is just a slave, a commodity, and she can "use" him in whatever way she likes.
And since Yusuf AS didn't budge an inch, she decided to step it up. Tell him clearly that he can do whatever he wants... Maybe he is shy. Or just order him as his mistress to do it.

The doors of divorce are not closed but people don't opt for it for their own selfish or social reasons... They care for the negative opinion of the society about the divorce but while in a marriage, they go towards the haram/zina and don't care about the opinion of their true Master, Allah... This is very scary and dangerous. Who is the actual God they are fearing. 

She knew that once she takes away that special attribute of his by seducing him in to letting it go, he never would be the same again....!!!
Zina makes the one loose a part of him/herself and relay it on to the seducer. The seducer sort of wants to become the god of the seduced.

When you love someone, you want the best for them. In this case she wants everything for herself and nothing beneficial for Yusuf AS. So it was lust not love. It is wrong to romanticize this story. 

And she is proud and arrogant. She sees that she owns the one whose attention every woman wants. And how is it possible that she can't have his attention. How can he say no to her. She dumps others, no one dumps her, and certainly not her slave..!!

Becoming a center of attention can be a sense of empowerment for some women and that can make them arrogant. So ordering women to cover their beauty in surah an Nur is also to protect them from this arrogance and pride...!!! Whenever she enters a place and people can't take their eyes off her, she feels like a godess... I control their gaze..!! 

Men like to dominate physically, women want to dominate emotionally. And once down that path, they would continue to draw attention even after marriage, beautifying oneself for other men... the more "slaves" the better... The more satisfied would be the ego and the pride...

وَغَلَّقَتِ الۡاَبۡوَابَ
Suggests that there are a number of doors and a number of locks. So the scene is probably like, she had locked all the other doors leading out from the room she was in except one, from where Yusuf AS had to enter. And then she ordered him:
وَقَالَتۡ هَيۡتَ لَـكَ‌ؕ 
As we have seen, it might mean "come here"... She is probably calling him into the room from outside and then locks that door as well after he had entered.. 
And her phrase (having no precedent again) could also mean "I am ready for you"... It could mean that "I am allowing you". It could mean "its okay, don't be afraid", it could mean "I am here for you", It could mean "its just love, nothing bad".
She wanted to make him see evil as beautiful and not ugly... Devil beautifies evil deeds... 
This is a dangerous and powerful tactic to pull other into your own universe and alter their sense of good and evil... 

According to the other meaning its like a command, "hurry up and get over here"... It doesn't seem seductive coming from the owner of the house to a slave... 

Allah always commands never even to come near it. Like it has its own gravitational field and the closer you come the more you are sucked in. 

And she wants him to come closer and closer. The psychological aspect of physical proximity is that as it you go nearer and nearer, your reasoning mind your slow brain stops functioning, you stop realizing what you are doing... and the beast inside, the fast brain takes over and when you come to your senses later, its already too late. 

So its like she is saying, "you think too much, just stop it and come here.."

But remember that Allah has taught Yusuf AS the interpretation of all kinds of speech and he is smart enough to know her intentions... He knows what the usual "come here" means and what this "come here" means... So his immediate response is:
قَالَ مَعَاذَ اللّٰهِ‌
Here معاذ can be a ظرف or a مصدر... As a مصدر, it means "refuge of Allah"... As a ظرف it means that I am not in a safe place or time and safety in terms of time and place is only with Allah...

So through Yusuf AS, Allah is teaching us a very powerful lesson that certain times and certain places might not be safe and you have to watch out as by going there you might loose the refuge of Allah... Today you don't need an Egyptian elite damsel to call you "ھیت لک"... Your mobile phone can send you several notifications of "ھیت لک"...!!! Its like a "ھیت لک" world we are living in... And so close that it just needs a touch of a finger... 

Notice that اعوذ in Arabic is used for plants that cling around the bark of a tree. It is also used for meat that keeps clinging to the bone and won't come off. When Yusuf said "معاذ اللہ" he meant that I am going to cling to Allah and won't let go... Here is a woman who wants to cling on him and he wants to cling on to Allah... The devil and that woman are trying to pull him (راود) and he just wants to keep clinging to Allah... Subhan Allah... 
Tells us that even prophets need Allah to save themselves... 

Consider that its a promiscuous society, doors locked, woman ready, worldly "safety" guaranteed.... But still he calls for "safety" to Allah... Because he knows what safety actually is and where it lies... 

Notice that in this situation, Yusuf AS is not the slave, its actually her who is a slave of her desire... She is totally selfish for fulfilling her desire. But Yusuf totally refuses to enter her universe. 

In surah Hashr Allah says that those who forget Allah, Allah makes them forget themselves... Here she wants Yusuf to forget himself and he is not willing to forget Allah and hence his own self... Subhan Allah.. 

Now she has 2 options... She could play on his fear by becoming enraged or she could play on his pity by becoming sad, upset, broken down etc. 

She probably decides to terrify him and makes it clear that she is in a habit of getting what she wants and she is not going to change that... 
So Yusuf AS adds this:
اِنَّهٗ رَبِّىۡۤ اَحۡسَنَ مَثۡوَاىَ‌ؕ اِنَّهٗ لَا يُفۡلِحُ الظّٰلِمُوۡنَ

Here ربی can be attributed to both Allah and the minister in different ways.. 
After معاذ اللہ, it seems appropriate to mean it for Allah and most probably Yusuf AS did mean Allah by it here... For HIMSELF.. but since he is talking to someone, the lady, who doesn't seem to be under the guidance of any Rab at this moment, it could very well mean her husband and would still be equally appropriate... 

اَحۡسَنَ مَثۡوَاىَ‌ؕ
Its amazing that Yusuf AS is still expressing his gratitude to Allah for granting him the best residence despite going through all the trials and tribulations that he has uptill now... And yet he is actually saying that I blindly trust him that whatever He put me through, it was best for me and He still meant well for me... Allahu Akbar... What a level of eemaan this is... This is the "ihsaan" mentioned in the previous ayah... It is like "I don't let my outside circumstances define my relationship with Allah and whatever He does to me or for me."

What the lady hears is that he is bringing up the favors of her husband and that he can't be disloyal to him after all that. If she has no regard for my Rab, Allah, she might have some regard for my rab, her husband... 

اِنَّهٗ لَا يُفۡلِحُ الظّٰلِمُوۡنَ
Now that a huge number of people don't even recognize their Rab and His Rights over them, I (Yusuf) am one of those fortunate few that do... So there is no way that I am going to disobey Him and disregard His favors... 
Same should be our behavior whenever tempted towards haram... We should remember that we are blessed and gifted to be a part of the family of Ibrahim AS and his legacy of Tawheed (La Ilaha illAllah).. And we should not disregard it and disobey our Master just like Yusuf AS... We should not dishonor that blessed family... 

And if we do it we would be among the zalimoon and such people never get what they want, they are never satisfied, they are never contented, and they never succeed (in pleasing Allah and getting into Paradise) 

cf with previous ayah...
You stop yourself from haram because you consider yourself in Allah's presence (ihsaan), Allah blesses you with knowledge and wisdom.. 
And here if you do commit haram, you are condemned to be among the zalimeen and you never get success (which actually is knowledge and wisdom)... 

The most epic thing is that among other things, what she wants from him is his attention the most... and throughout the surah you can notice that he does not even address her directly with the pronoun "you"... What a neglect... Allahu Akbar..